Records pertaining to the family of
JOHN LANGSTON II of Nansemond Co, Va
& wife Name Unknown
Page created by Sadie Greening Sparks
Copyright October 18, 2000
John Langston, II was born Ca 1660 in New Kent Co,
Virginia, and is believed to be the son of John Langston I who
died bet. 1681 & 1694 in Nansemond Co, Va, & wife, Catherine.
(See below)
John Langston, II died after 1747 in Nansemond Co, Virginia. Nansemond Co, Va. records were destroyed during the Revolution, and also during the Civil War. No will for John Langston II has been located.
The name of John Langston's wife is Unknown to me-See My note below-sgs
Some researchers show her name as Ann Vann, However, Ann Vann, dtr of Joseph Vann, could NOT have been the wife of John Langston, born Ca 1655/60, as she was still living in 1793.
Will of Joseph Vann, Chowan Co, NC dated April 27, 1752 Pro. April Court, 1752 names:
Sons George & Jacob, Dtrs, Jude & Ann LANGSTON, Elizabeth, Mary & Dorcas. Son George & Dtr Elizabeth Exrs. Wit: Thomas Langstone, Jacob Odum, Sary Langstone
Will of Darkis (Dorcas) Vann, Gates Co, NC, Dated Oct. 21, 1793, Pro Nov Court, 1793
Names: Cousin Luke Langston, Sister ANN LANGSTON, Sister Judah
LANGSTON, Cader Odum, Isaac Langston's dtr Mary; Isaac Langston, Demsey Langston, Mary Mariner, Elizabeth Odum, Jemima Brayshea
Luke & Isaac Langston, Exrs
Wts: Lewis Sparkman, Chas. Rookes
See Other Gates Co., NC records below
Children of Record: LANGSTON
1. John III
Born Ca 1710 Nansemond Co, Va. Died August, 1790 Greenville Co, SC
(M) Mary "Anne" Mangham of Surry Co, Va. Ca 1730 Died Prior to 1769.NC
(M) #2 pr. to 1769 Elizabeth (MNU) First record of Elizabeth, as wife of
John Langston was in a 1769 Court Record, Bute Co, NC
Many researchers claim her maiden name
was Person, but I have found no proof-sgs
& Others
"The first mention of John Langston II in North Carolina, was July 30, 1726, when he
was granted 450 acres in Chowan, North Carolina. It is uncertain whether
he ever lived on this property as he appeared to have lived and died in
Nansemond Co, Va" Ref-Randall Haynes site, Rootsweb
World Connect
*(I have not located this grant as yet-sgs)
Chowan Co, NC Wills
George Durant -1730 Will
Names: George, Sarah, Elizabeth, & Mary Durant
Anthony Hatch
Ann Langston, Rel not given in Abstract
Chowan Co, NC Deeds-Apr 17, 1733 Mary Barnes to Alex Carter 160 AC tract of land grtd Richard Barnes, Wts: John Langston, Ephriam Hunter, Wm. Hunter (I believe this is John Langston, II)
Cavaliers & Pioneers-VA. Land Patents-Nugent
7/20/1736- Grant- John Langston 191 AC, Nansemond Co, Va,
beginning @ ancient corner tree, N/S Summerton Swamp, ADJ His
own, being surplus land found within bounds of 400 AC Patent to.Richard Green,
June 3rd, 1665,
and sold to John Langston by Richard Green, son & heir of Richard
Green. (I believe this is John Langston II)
Bertie Co, NC Deeds-Nov. 26, 1739 John Langston to Richard Green, Jr, 150 AC at
a place called Sarum, near Rogers' Pocosin, but does not give name of
patentee, or date of patent. Wts: John Langston, Jr, Thomas Langston,
William Langston, Joseph Vann
(I believe this is John Langston II and the
John Jr is John Langston, III)
Dec. 3, 1739 John Rawls to Wm. Wood, 570 AC on Forty Island Wts: John Langston, Joseph Bonaded, Wm. Flyar, Sam'l. Parker (I believe this is John Langston II)
Dec 12, 1739 (C2/47) deed John Langston of Upper Par of Nansemond Co, Va, to his son William Langston of Chowan Co, North Carolina, 100 acres from original tract patented by Katherine Langston. Wts: John Langston, Jr., Robert Rogers, Richard Green.
Chowan Co, NC deeds
1743-(A1/241) Jno. Langston to Charles Russell (order)
Vestry Book of the Upper Parish, Nansemond Co, Virginia
(Original spelling retained)
P 24-25 At a /vestry held for the Upper Parish of Nansemond County at Suffolk
Town August 31, 1747, It is ordered that Jacob Jones & Frederick Jones
Procession all the Lands in the Bounds * No 10 according to law.
P 26-27 At a Vestry held for the Upper Parish of Nansemond
County at Suffolk Town, the 19th day of December, 1747. for Laying
Proportioning, which is interlined, the Parish Levy.
The upper Parish of Nansemond County to Sundrys in the year 1747 is: Viz:
To John Langston 1 tithable over Charged last Year, remitted 38
P 35-36 In obedience to an Order of Vestry pursuant to an Order
of Court dated 31st of August 1747. We the subscribers have proceeded as
followeth and Possessioned (sic) all the lines of land in our respective
Precinct as follows: Imprimis:
This is to Sertifie you that we have purseastioned all the lsnd in our limated
Names of the Men whose land was Processioned: Incl:
John Langston
Jacob Langston
Men Who was Present
Isac Langston (1 entry)
Jacob Langston (1 entry)
Isac Langston: Still (2 entries)
Jacob Langston: Stll (5 entries)
Mical Langston: Still (1 entry)
Assigned by us
*Jacob ( II (JJ) His Mark) Joanes
*Fredireck Joanes
P 77-78 Mar, 1752
This is to certify that we have marked all the lines that is within the bounds
that we were to do.
The Names of the Men that owns the Land:
Jacob Langston
Jacob Langston
Isaac Langston
P 121 Sept 13, 1755
Pursuant to Order of Vestry dated Sept 13th 1755 we the Subscribers being apptd.
in the said Order having procesion'd all the Bounds of Land therein Mention'd.
Beginning at a line between Jacob Sumner & Isaac
Langston; a Line between Col. Lemuel Riddick & Jacob Langston prst:
William Herrand, Isaac Langston; a line between John Boyt & William
Boyt prst: Jacob Langston. A Line betwween Isaac Langston & Arthur
Jones prst: Isaac Langston
By Us: James Rawls, Arthur Jones
Hennings Statutes At Large (Copy)
Vol 1, P 22 -John Langdon P 83 Thomas Langston
Vol II, P 461, John Langston
The following is taken from Randall Haynes site, Rootsweb
World Connect:
A deed was made by John Langston II on Nov 25, 1739, involving a land
swap. It read in part "plantation tract, on the north side of
Summerton Swamp, containing 200 acres, to Richard Green, (in trade) for a
plantation in Chowan County, called Sarum, 150 acres which is part of a tract
formerly taken up and patented by one Katherine Langston". Other
items of interest revealed in the deed were that John Langston II was of
Nansemond Co, Virginia, and that he made the trade "for his son John".
The last 450* acres of Katherine's land was sold by John
Langston, Sener (Sr) to Charles Russell for 40 barrels of tar. Witnesses include
Jacob Langston, William Landen (Langston?).(My note-I did not locate this deed-sgs)
*Katherine's grant was for only 380 Ac-Vol II, P 388-Nugent Apr 20, 1694-Catherine Langstone, widow of John
Langstone; 380 acs Upper prt of Nansemond Co, on the Cyprus brs., which
comes out of Sarum Cr.* for
Impor. of 18 persons: Simon White, Wm. Wildsmith, Hanah Wildsmith, Thomas
Gillett, John Lewis, Wm. Lewis, Tony & Mingo, Negroes.
The 450 Ac referred to is obviously the grant to John Langston on July 20,
John Langston (I) & wife Katherine/Catherine
John Langston I was born about 1620, in England, according to most researchers, and died between 1681-1694 in Nansemond Co, Va, according to the Virginia Land Patents records (Nugent)
His wife was named Katherine /Catherine (MNU), and she was apparently still living in June, 1699, when John Nichols received a grant of land in Nansemond Co, Va adjoining her land.
John Langston took part in Bacon's Rebellion, (Captain) but was later pardoned. His land was apparently confiscated for this act, as there is no Langston shown on the 1704 Virginia Rent Roll. He was elected to the House of Burgesses, but the General Assembly denied him his seat. He was later allowed to "wear a sword" by Act of the General Assembly.
1. John born Ca 1660 New Kent co, Va-died after 1747
Nansemond Co, Va (See above)
(M) Wife name Unknown
& Others
Virginia Land Patents, Cavaliers & Pioneers-Nugent
Vol I, P 26, July 11, 1635-John Langston was included in a list of 18 persons transported to Virginia by Thomas Butler, Clark & Pastor of Denbie, in a Land Patent of 1,000 Ac to Butler This land was located Warrasquioake Co, (changed to Isle of Wight 1637), on the Nanzimund (Nansemond) River. (Also Early Virginia Immigrants, P 198)
If this is John Langston I, he would be only about 15 yrs of age, or else John Langston I was born earlier than 1620-sgs
Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol III, York County
Inventory of Est. of Capt. Stephen Gill, dec'd. Taken and appraised by Mr. Henry
Lee, Mr. Robert Booth, Capt. Ralph Langley, and Mr. Wm. Fellgate. Dated Aug 2,
Mr. Langston, for 600 lb. Neate Pork-0600
York Co, Deed, Nov. 15, 1652 Joseph Croshow sells James Turner and John Buttler, for a sum of tobacco, a neck of land known as Austins Neck, pt. of Div. of 1350 Ac grtd. croshaw by patent., abutting S. upon John Jeffrey, E upon North Riv, N. upon James Whitings land and W. into the woods Signed: Joseph Croshaw Wts: J. Langston, Jno. Banister. James Turner sells his right in the above to Jno. Butler, Jan, 30, 1652/3. Sig: James Turner Wts: J. Langston Rec,. & Reg. Sept 24, 1653
Vol I, P 450-On Feb. 18, 1664, a patent to Thomas Attaway for 300 acs in Nancimond (Nansemond) Co, for the transportation of 6 persons, included the name of John Lankson.
8V-P411-Council & General Court Records-
of John Langston, July 31, 1677
#653-King's power to pardon all except Bacon, Oct. 10th, in 18th year.
9VP48 Council & General Court Records-Genl Ct. Bonds, &c, 1677 to 1682. On one side proceedings of court commenced Feb 9, 1677-8. Present: Herbert Jeffreys, Esq., Governor. July 27, P 41-Liberty to John Langston (concerned in the late rebellion) to wear a sword.
15V P 320-Members of the House of Burgesses (From the
original records) Session Began June 9, 1680 Includes:
New Kent -John Langston (expelled-had taken part in Bacon's Rebellion), Charles
Turner, George Morris
Cav. & Pioneers, Nugent-Vol II P 224- 1681 (Mo/day omitted) John Langston, 1300 Acs New Kent Co, Escheat land of Hannah Clarke, inquisition under Marke Warkeman, Depy. Esch'r.
Cav. & Pioneers. -Nugent-Vol II, P 225-Sept 28. 1681-Mr. John Langston, 1316 acs New Kent Co., orig. grtd Mrs. Hannah Clark, and found to escheat.
Cav. & Pioneers-Nugent-Vol II, P 293-Nov 4, 1685-David Crafford received a patent for 1300 acs in New Kent Co, St Peter's Par., which had been granted to Hannah Clark Feb 10, 1652, and at her death found to escheat, and granted to John Langston 28 Sept, 1681, who made it over to William Taylor, Oct 28, 1681, who made it over to Crafford. ( this item duplicated Vol II P 253)
Vol II P 342-Nugent Apr 21, 1690- Mr. John Lyddall rec'd a patent of 2248 acs, New Kent Co, (1600 ac of which was grtd to Capt Geo. Lyddall,, deserted and grtd to Mr. John Langston, 11 March, 1672-3, but never patented, and deserted).
Vol II P 357-Nugent Oct 23, 1690-Martin Elam grant of 900 acs Henrico Co, for transp. of 18 persons, one being Kath. Laugton or Langton.
Vol II, P 388-Nugent Apr 20, 1694-Catherine Langstone, widow of John Langstone; 380 acs Upper prt of Nansemond Co, on the Cyprus brs., which comes out of Sarum Cr.* for Impor. of 18 persons: Simon White, Wm. Wildsmith, Hanah Wildsmith, Thomas Gillett, John Lewis, Wm. Lewis, Tony & Mingo, Negroes.*Saram Creek now in Gates Co, NC-sgs
Vol III, P 26-Nugent June 6, 1699-John Nichols grt. of 249 acs in Up. Prt of Nansemond Co, at a place called Cypress Swamp, joins Katherine Langstone.
English Duplicates of Lost Records, Patents, P 57
(Virginia Colonial Records)
Etc, Etc
And whereas severall parcells of Land were by the Pamunky Indians for good &
valuable consideration leased for Ninety Nine years to these severall persons
hereafter named which Lands by an Order of Assembly held at James City the
25th April, 1679, was granted to be confirmed unto them, and that they
should have the priority and first grant thereof when the same came to the
King's hands. Provided always that it should not be construed and taken to
give them right to any Lands granted by patent or patents before making of 136
Act of Assembly, Viz- long list, including:
To Mr. John Langston, six hundred acres.
To Thomas Crenshaw, 150 acres purchased of Mr. John Langston.
Vol III, P 144-Nugent June 16, 1714-Mary Murfrey (Murfey) grt. of 130 acs, Isle of Wight Co, for transp. of 3 persons: Matthew Benham, Catherine Langsdon, Stephen Caukeritt (or Cankeritt)
Vol III, P 215 Nugent July 11, 1719 Leonard Langston 109 acs New land, Up. par. of Nansemond Co, S. side of Summerton Sw., adj. John Barefield, crossing the Cypress Br; to Benjamin Roger's line, 13 shill.
Please bear in mind the boundary line between Virginia & North Carolina was not officially settled until 1728. The land of the border counties of Va., especially Nansemond & Isle of Wight, and others, may have actually been in North Carolina after the establishment of this boundary line. Saram is located in present day Gates Co., NC
Roster of Capt. Robert Patterson's Company April 11, 1720
(Upper part of Chowan Pct., lying West of Chowan River)
List Includes: Leonard Langston, John Rogers, Thomas Bonner, Joseph, Thomas,
Nicolas & William Boon, the Braswell families, William Moore, etal
Land Grants on Bennett's Creek and Residents on Robert Rogers
Incl: Leonard Lanston (Langston) William Lanston (Langston), John
Langston, the Vann Families, Ephriam & William Hunter, Robert Rogers, the
Roundtree families, Lassiter families, Hicks, Alston, etal
Grants near the County Line: William Bennett, 1719
P. 593
" Persons who settled in the General Neighborhood of Bennett's Creek &
Rogers' Branch, Incl:
Leonard Langston, William Langston, John Langston, Robert Rogers, Ephriam
Hunter, William Hunter, John Alston, Vann families, Lassiter families, Roundtree
Families, etal, "
P 641
"The Vanns, Rogers, and Langston's according to old records lived near
SARAM CHAPEL, an old landmark in what is now Gates County, which was at the head
of SARAM CREEK in the BENNETT'S CREEK section. There were two Indian towns not
far from this same settlement. One of these was near the mouth of Meherrin River
which was occupied by the Meherrin Indians. In fact, Indians were all around
them at that period and it was much later when the Indian lands were laid out
lower down on the Morratuck or Roanoke, in the bounds of present Bertie County.
Among the neighborhood of these families were the Ross family, the Odums, the
Hayes, the Barnes, Jones & Williams, as well as the Alstons and the Daniels,
with whom they were intimate and with which they probably intermarried then and
Chowan Co, NC & Bertie Co, NC deeds
1715-Leonard Langston & Thos. Doile wits deed of Robert
& Janet Patterson of Chowan to John Davison, 100 AC N/S Meherrin Riv.
1715- Thos. & Mary Dyall of Chowan to Leonard Langston, Planter, of Chowan, 100 AC Ahodsea Meadow, adj. Richard Moore, Wts: John Davison, Thos. Cape, Wm. Whitfield
1715 Thos & Mary Dyall to Richard Moore, of Nans. Co., VA 220 AC adj Leonard Langston, Wts: Wm. Whitfield, John Core, John Davison
Chowan Co., July 14,1721 (F1/176) Thos. Bonner & w/Elizabeth of Chowan, to Mullford Langston of Albemarle Co., 200 AC N/S Potocasie Crk & Reedy Br., joins Leonard Langston. Elizabeth Bonner relinq. dower rts of thirds.
1721 (F1/178) Thos. Bonner to Mullford Langston (deed)-copy
1721 Thos. & Eliz. Boon of Chowan to Leonard Langston of Albemarle, NC 100 AC N/S Potocosie Crk. Wts: Josiah Burgess, Wm. Moore, John Munroe
1721 Patent Bk 3, Leonard Langston, 370 AC S/S Alligator Swp. join. Peter Parker, sd. swamp
1721 Chowan TL-Mr. Langston.
Chowan Co., Aug, 1723 Pat. Bk 3-Mountfort Langston, JR & Robt. Rogers, Grant of 598 AC Chowan Pct, join. John Pipkin, Rogers' pocosin, Thos. Peylant
April 1, 1729 Dennis Callahan to Mulford Langston, 200 Acres S/S Morratuck Riv., adj. lands of Thomas Harris. Wts: Wm. Rhodes, Jno. Aulburn
Bertie Co, NC records:
April 1, 1725 Bertie Co, NC Grant by Lords Proprietors to George Powell
- 124 A E/S Ahosky Swp. adj. Peter Parker, Leonard Langston, etal
Oct 16, 1725 Bertie Co, NC-Mulford Langston & w/Mary to
Samuel Wheatley- 200 A on Pottocassey Crk, at Spr. Br., Reedy Br. Adj. Leonard
Langston, part of tr. pat. by Thos.
Bonner Wts: John Brown, Sen. Thos. Homes,
(see Tyrrell Co NC 1753 Deed -Mulford Langston)
16 Oct 1725 from Mulford Langston and wife Mary to Thomas Bonner. Power of attorney to make over land to Samuel Wheatley. Wts: John Brown Senr., Thos. Homes
Bertie Co, NC- Nov 25, 1725-William Moore, late of Nansemond Co, Va to Henry Barfield, son & heir of Richard Moore, late of Nans. Co, dec'd, land at Ahorsky Marsh Adj. Leonard Langston, Wts: Peter West, Mary Jones
Nov 10, 1726 Bertie Co, NC Samuel Wheatley & Wife Sarah to Joseph Scott, 200 AC N/S Pottakersy Crk at Apr, Br & Reedy Br. adj Leonard Langston.
Aug 13, 1728 Bertie Co Leonard Langston wit deed of Daniel McDaniel to Anthony Lewis of I-O-W, VA
Date___? Bertie Co, NC Court Minutes P 73 (36) -A deed of Sale from Leonard Langston & Frances his wife, (being first privately examined before Thos. Kearney, a Member of this Court) was in Open Court /ackd. to John Beverly & on mocon is ordered to be recorded. Mr. Beverly Dr. L3 (I need to locate deed/date-sgs)
Tyrrell Co., NC Records
Account of the receipt of one-half of the arrears of his Majesty's Quit Rents for
Albemarle County (vizt) from 29 September 1729, to March 1732, computed at the difference of seven for one pound sterling in the currency of this Province - 12 Jun, 1735
Tyrrell Precint
By Whom Paid No. of Years Paid No. of Acres Quit Rent Res'd Currency at Seven for one Total of Currency
Longstone, Mulford 220 3 17
Bertie Co, NC, Cont'd
1737- John Odum to Ephroditus Jones, 300 AC Cypress Swamp, Hawtree Br, and
Liking Root Branches Wts: Leonard Lanston, Wm. Lanston
3/29/1743 Pat Bk 3, Leonard Langston, 500 AC EdgecombeCo
3/29/1743 Leonard Langston,350 AC in Edgecombe Co
See Also Edgecombe, Hertford, Johnson & Gates records
1741 Bertie TL-Leonard Langston
Crown Grants, Patent Bk 5, P 119-#2390 Mar. 29, 1743 LEONARD LANGSTON 500 AC in Edgecombe Co., E/S of Fort Br., join. Low Grounds of Yosnot Swp at Mouth of Fork Br., the side of Fork Br., and Tosnot Swp.
P 119 # 2391 -Mar. 29, 1743-LEONARD LANGSTON 350 AC Edgecombe Co., join. Watery Branch
Edgecombe Co, NC Deeds
DB5, P 406 Feb 19, 1744 William Bobbitt, Sr* of NC to John Smart of
NC for 6 pds Va money, 100 Ac in fork of Buffaloe, join. Bennett, incl all houses,
etc. part of a Pat. to Francis Young. Wts: John Langston, Richard
Bennett X his mark Reg Edge. Co Aug Ct., 1745
* Wife of William Bobbitt, Sr. was Amy Bennett according to Bobbit Family
1744 Edgecombe Co, TL - John Langston
Chowan Co, NC deeds-
1741- (G1/12) Mullford Langston to Thomas Langston (deed)
Aug 7, 1747 Wm. Knight to Israel Johnson, 100 AC adj Leonard Langston, James Denton, at Bells Br, Wit: Luke Langston, Wm Yates
1749 (F1/ Page # missing) Robert Rogers to Wm. Langston
Bertie Co., NC deeds, Cont'd
Feb 10, 1746/47 (G19) William Knight to William Conner 125
Ac by patent grtd William Knight Feb 20, 1746/47 on Pottcasey Crk,
adj. Leonard Langston, Henry Coupland.
Edgecombe Co, NC Deeds
DB 3, P 183 May 18, 1747 Leonard Langston of Bertie Co, to Thomas
Amason of (Co Not given) for love and good will I bear my friend, 250 AC in the
low grounds of Tosneott Swp at mouth of Fort Br., join. Panther branch aand the
swamp. /Wts: Simon Daniel, Jr., Robert Daniel, Levinus Buffkin Reg Edge.
Co., Feb Crt 1747
Tyrrell County, North Carolina Processioner's Book
1747/48 (Part 1)Page 0 [Half page with top half missing.]
Executions Judged against the folowing persons Viz
Mulford Langstone -paid
P5 Mulford Langstons Land,
The Said Lands ware processioned above, Differing only in time of the Processioning, that is Land Sooner than others perhaps are mentioned in the aforegoing Acct. after Such. ---
In Witness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands this Seventh Day of June 1748.
P43-Mulford Langstone
P46-Mulford Langstones pd
Miscellaneous Items of Chowan Pct., NC
(1732) Thomas Piland appointed overseer of Road from Knotty Pine Swampt to
Sarum Landing and repair Bennett's Creek Bridge Col. Alston to see that Bridge
is repaired.
(1745) Petition of Inhabitants about Sarum Chapel for a road over Mire
Branch to the Virginia line
(Court Order issued 1747) William Jones & Isaac Williams, overseers if a
road leading from the foot of the causeway thro' a Pocosin, which runs from the
Banks of Chowan River to Sarum,* near the plantation where Robert Rogers
formerly lived (1747) viz: Beginning at Charles Russels, from thence a straight
course to Langston's, thence to John Skinner's thence to Christopher
Butler's, thence to Andrew Hamblet, thence to William Vincent, thence to Thos.
Langstone, etc
*SARUM located in present day Gates Co, NC
Abstracts of Land Grants, Shaftsbury Pct., Chowan Pct,
& Chowan County, Sec. of State's Office, Raleigh, NC
Book XI, P 103, Jan. 5, 1749-Robert Knight, 133 acres joining upon lines
of Kath. Langston, Mr. Skinner, & Jacob Odum.
Bertie Co., Deeds Aug 5, 1749 William Knight to William Barter- 140 AC N/S Poticasy Cr., adj. Leonard Langston, Isaas Johnson, Bells Br, Henry Coplin
Bertie Co, NC Wills
William Yeates, Dated Dec 3, 1751 Prov. May Crt, 1762
Mentions Dtr Martha Langston
Chowan Wills-Joseph Vann, dated A pril 27, 1752 Pro. April Crt,
Named Sons: George, Jacob
Dtrs: Jude & Ann Langston, Elisabeth, Mary, Dorcas **
Exrs: Son George, Dtr Elizabeth
Wts: Thos. Langstone, Jacob Odum, Sary Langstone
**See Gates Co, NC Will Below
1753 Chowan TL- Leonard Langston, Moses Langston, Thomas Langston, William Langston, Laurence Langston
Tyrrell Co, NC Deeds-16 Jul 1753 from Mulford Langston to his daughter Ann Langston. It is a deed of gift in which he gives her all his estate. Witnesses were Daniel Garrett Jr. and John Moore. The estate is not specified.
Chowan Co, NC deeds-1753 (G1/88) Jacob Odum to Lawrence Langston (deed)
H-60- Feb 6, 1754 Bertie Co, NC Deeds Leonard Langston to Leonard Langston, William Langston, Francis Langston, Thomas & Rachael Wills, Luke Langston, Deed of Gift
(1) To Leonard,..........
(2) for affection, which I
bear toward my well beloved son, William Langston, the plantation where I now
live... and also a negro boy called Coffee, and the still which is now on the
plantation and also four cows and calves,
(3) my son, Francis Langston, in the Co. of Johnston, a tract of land in said
county whereon he now lives....above the fork of Marry? Branch
(4) to my son-in-law Thomas Wills, and my daughter Rachael Wills one hundred ac
land in Johnston Co. on the Wattry? Br. .., and after their deaths to the lawful
heirs of my dtr. Rachael
(5) to my gr/son Luke Langston, s/o Leonard Langston, my negro girl called
Lucy, and to my grandson Luke Langston I freely give my negro girl called
(6) and to my well beloved son Francis my negro woman called Judith
Wts: James Denson, John Brown May Crt, 1754 Sam'l. Ormes, CC
Bertie Co, NC H-403 Nov 9, 1756 Israel Johnson, planter to Leonard Langston, for 10 pds. -100 AC Adj James Denton at Bell's Br., Wts: Luke Langston, Robert Yeates, James Denton-April Crt, 1757, Benj. Wynns CC
1757 Tax List-Bertie Co.
Leonard Langston
Wm Langston Bl-Ned, Jude 4 tithes
Luke Langston Sl Joe 2 Tithes
Hertford Co, NC Estates-Oct 15, 1762- Oct 15, 1763
Leonard Langston Est- Adm. Martha
Langston (Dtr of WilliamYeates)
Luke Langston Sec. w/Thos. Copeland on Henry Copeland Est by Richard
Copeland, Adm
Misc. Land Office Papers, State Archives
#1575 Leonard Langston WARRANT Dated July 27, 1762 to William Haywood to survey
700 AC in Edgecombe Co., incl. the vacant land bet. the sd. Langston, James
Barefield, & Simon Daniel. Sig: Jas. Hall Back of Documents reads "The
Within Warrant is vacated by his own Patent, Certified by me, Jos. Moore,
#1576 LEONARD LANGSTON Entry, Dated July 27, 1762 700 AC in Edgecombe Co., incl. the vacant land bet. sd. Langston, James Barefield & Simon Daniel. Sig: Leonard Langston, Wts: Thos. Hill
Granville Grants, #1288, Pat. Bk 1, P 304 Thomas Willis Oct 15, 1762, 390 AC Edgecombe Co., join. head and side of Gough Swp, Whitney's line, & Singleton's corner. Wts: Thomas Cavenah, surveyed Apr 24, 1761, SCC Thos. Mason, Leonard Lankston, W. Haywood, Survey
Edgecombe Co., NC Deeds
DBC, P6, Jan 24, 1763 Thomas E Amason of Edge. to William Amason
of same for 10 pds. proc. money a tract of 25 AC on N/Bank of Toisnot Swp., at
N. of the Fort Br., which land was grtd. to Leonard Langston by patent bearing
date 1743. Wts: Benj. A. Amerson (Amason) Joseph Moore
DBC P 339 Nov 8, 1764-John Singleton of Edgecombe Co, Planter, to William Stuckey of same, carpenter, for 10 Pds., proc. money, a tract of 100 AC on N/S Toisnot Swp./, on Bear Br., it being pt. of deed purch. by sd. Singleton from Earl Granville, Aug 1, 1762. Wts: Leonard Langston, Jesse Baggett
DBC P 304 Mar. 20, 1765 John Singleton of Edge., Planter, to Henry Amason of same, planter, for 10 pds. proc. money, a tract of 100 AC on Bare Br., adj. Wm. Stuckey and sd. Singleton, it bring pt of a Granville Grt to sd. Singleton. Wts: Leonard Langston, William Daniel
Edgecombe Co., NC Wills
Will of John Woodward, of Edgecombe Co, NC
Feb, 1765
Named: son John (Negro Chip and one still after my wife's decease)
Son Thomas, a horse called Parret and 5 lbs.
Other Children named:
Dtr., Mary Lee & her dtr Margaret Brown
Dtr Ann Langston, wife of Leonard Langston, and her dtrs Sarah & Elizabeth
"Equal division between my six children, after my wife's death.
Son Thomas Woodward, Exr.
23 JUNE, 1761: Leonard LANGSTON in room of Saml. Moore. (Road Work)
JANUARY, 1763: Ordered that LEONARD LANGSTON, John THOMAS, Joshua Bently or any one of them
being duly qualified for that purpose divide estate of John SINGLETON, dec'd among the widow & children.
APRIL, 1765: Ordered that John RAWLS & John DUNN with their companies repair the Bridge over
Town Creek at Robert WRIGHTs and keep the same in repair till next July Court, and ordered that Leonard LANGSTON with his company repair the <?covered> Bridge
on Tosneot and keep the same in repair until next July Court, and John BAILEY and Joshua PROCTOR with their companies keep Bridge on Swift Creek near Jacob
POPEs till July Court.
JULY, 1765: Deed from John SINGLETON to William proved by Leonard LANGSTON.
OCTOBER, 1765: Joshua Brantly in room of Leonard LANGSTON.
1769 DOBBS CO NC Tax List
LANGSTON Jacob sons Absalom & Mace 3 TITHES
Edgecombe Co., NC marriages
Richard Bolton-Sarah Langston Jan 01, 1770
Edgecombe Co, NC Deeds:
DB D P 134 Jan 20, 1769 Henry X Amason of Edge., Planter, to
Benjamin Amason of same, Planter, for 20 pds proc. money, a tract of 100 AC on
Bear Br., adj. William Stucke & John Singleton, it being pt. of a tract
purch. by John Singlton from Earl Granville Aug 1, 1762, and purch. by Henry
Amason from John Singleton by deed of Mar. 20, 1765 Wts: John Thomas, Senr.,
Leonard Langston, Christian Barnes
DB D P 230 Jan 12, 1770 John Drew of Edge., to John Davis of same., Planter, for 10 pds. proc money a tract of 25 AC on N/Bank of Grt Contentnea Crk., adj. James Farrer. Wts: Iseral X Slaughter, Isaac Anderson, Francis X Langston
DB D P 298 Feb 13, 1771 Aquilla Sugg of Edge., Merchant, to Anthony Bacon, Esq., of the City of London, Merhant, for 75 pds proc money, a tract of 150 AC on N/S of Town Crk., adj. Solomon Nettle & J. Hurod Wts: George Brownrigg, William Langton, William Long
3 additional entries, Same Date, Same Grantor/Grantee/Same Witnesses
Edgecombe Co, NC Court Minutes: FEBRUARY, 1771:
Leonard LANGSTON overseer in room of Abram BAGGOT
NOV, 1772:
Deed of Sale: Leonard LANGSTON to Richard COTTON – proved by John SINGLETON.
OCTOBER, 1774:
Theophilus THOMAS, William AMISON & Leonard LANGSTON appointed to divide lands
of James BROWN between James BROWNs orphans & widow of said James BROWN & report
to next court.
JULY, 1775:
Deed of Sale: Thos. WILLS to Ephraim LAWRENCE – proved by Leonard LANGSTON.
LWT of Leonard LANGSTON proved by Ephraim BARNES
(Edgecombe Co., NC Wills Index-Leonard Langston CA 1780 WB-B P 59)
Abstract: Named: Bandy, James, Bolton, Luke Langston (May not be accurate)
MAY, 1783:
Grant to Leonard LANGSTON
NOVEMBER, 1784:Edgecombe Co, NC Court Minutes
Jury to lay off road leading from Tarborough to the Tosneot Bridge
by the meeting house crossing the White Oak at or near Theophilus THOMAS'
into the road by Isaac EASON's to Martinborough & that Theophilus THOMAS,
Esq. attend said jury & appointed overseer of th road over the following hands: Malichi BRANTLEY, Marmaduke BRANTLEY, William
AMASON, Jr., the widow
LANGSTONs hands, John THOMAS, Theophilus THOMAS, James AMASON, George BRUCE, Shadrack EASON, Isaac EASON, Sr., Isaac EASON, Jr., Nathan
BAGGET, Sr., Nathan BAGGET, Jr., William WHITLEY, Jr., George WHITLEY, Jos. COX, Richard BOLTON, Joshua
HAILE, Archd. BARNS, William DANIEL, Jno. AMASON, Jonthn. TARTS & widow THOMAS'.
Gates Co, NC Tax Lists:
Captain Charles Eures Captaincy 1784 Gates Co
Charles Vann 100...1...2
Demsey Langston 200...1
Elizabeth Vann 67 1/2
Isaac Langston 150...1
Luke Langston ...1
Capt Charles Eures Captaincy 1785 Gates Co
Dearcuse Vann 65
Demsey Langston 200...2
Isaac Langston 150...1
Captain Charles Eures Captaincy 1786 Gates Co
Demsey Langston 100...2
Dorcas Vann 65
Isaac Langston 150...1...1
Thomas Langston 100 Gates/133 Edgecombe...1
Gates County, May 30, 1786 Census
Isaac Langston 1...1...3...1
Demsey Langston 3...0...2
Darcase Vann 0...0...3...0...1
John Vann 1
Thomas Vann 1...4...3...1...6
Edward Vann 1
Jesse Vann 1...3...5...4...1
William Vann 2...4...3...1...1
William Vann 1...2...2
Capt Charles Eure's Captaincy 1787 Gates Co, NC
Demsey Langston 100...2
Darcase Vann 65...1
Isaac Langston 150...1...1
Thomas Langston 100 Gates/160 Edgecombe...1
Captn Charles Eures Captaincy 1788 Gates Co, NC
Darcuse Vann 65
Damsey Langston 200...2
Isaac Langston 212...1...1
Thomas Langston 200 Gates/69 Edgecomb...1
Captan Charles Captaincy 1789 Gates Co, NC
Demsey Langston 200...2
Dorcas Vann 65...1
Isaac Langston 212...1...1
Thomas Langston 100 Gates/169 Edgecomb...1
Edgecombe Co, NC Deeds
DB7, P 138 Jan 7, 1788 Demsey Griffis, Shadrack Stevens, Matthew
Joiner, Solomon Ward & Isaac Langston sold land JOINTLY to James Griffis
DB5, P 588 Aug Crt, 1789 Isaac Langston, Needham Ward, & Luke Bolton, (Minor) were heirs to Leonard Langston, dec'd.
Edgecombe Co, NC Court Minutes
LWT of Ann LANGSTON, dec'd, proved by Theophilus THOMAS. Isaac LANGSTON the Executor therein named was at the same time qualified according to law & took out letters.
(Edgecombe Co., NC Wills Index-Ann Langston, 1789 WB-C P 84)
William AMASON, James STANTON, James BARNES, Eli AMASON & Theophilus
THOMAS or any 3 of them are appointed to divide the estate of Leonard LANGSTON, dec'd, according to his LWT & report to next court.
Luke BOLTON, orphan of Richard BOLTON, dec'd, came into court & chose Theophilus THOMAS his Guardian, who entered into Bond of £2,000 with
Joseph COX & Elisha WOODARD, Sec.
MAY, 1789:
Inventory of estate of Ann LANGSTON, dec'd, returned on oath by the Executor.
Division of estate of Leonard LANGSTON ret'd by Theophilus THOMAS, William
Release from Isaac LANGSTON, Needham WARD.
Release - Theophilus THOMAS, Guardian to Luke BOLTON to each other, proved by Joseph COCKS.
Deed of Sale: Luke BOLTON to Isaac BOLTON - Ack'd
Account of sale of the estate of Richard BOLTON, dec'd returned on oath by the Sheriff.
Many other entries on Bolton family
1790 Census, Gates Co, NC
Langston, Demsey..........2-0-3-0-0
Vann, Dorcus..............1-0-1-0-1 (Only Vann Listed)
Gates Co, NC Wills (See Will of Joseph VANN April 27, 1752
Chowan Co, NC)
**Dorcas (Darkis) VANN died Unmarried Gates Co, NC 1793
She named in her will dated Oct. 21, 1793 Prov. Nov Crt, 1793
Cousin Luke Langston
Sisters Ann Langston, Judah Langston, Cader Odum,
Also named: Isaac Langston's dtr Mary, Isaac Langston, Demsey Langston, Mary
Mariner, Elizabeth Odum, Jemima Brayshear
Exrs: Luke & Isaac Langston
Wts: Lewis Sparkman, Chas. Rookes
Old Albemarle Co And Its Absentee Landlords by Worth S. Ray
P 640-Mr. Ray states Dorcas Langston (M) a Vann and died leaving Will in
Gates Co, NC in 1793-this is an error on his part, as Dorcas Vann was named in
Will of her father, and she named her sisters in her will in 1793 Gates Co.,
NC., two of them being Judah Langston, & Ann Langston., also named in will
of their father-Dorcas Vann obviously never married-sgs
Gates Co, NC Wills-Index
Isaac Langston, 1803 WB 1. P 200
Uriah Langston, 1816 WB 2 P 137
Edgecombe Co, NC Deeds
DB 16, P 342 Military Warrant issued for Timothy Langston Nov
23, 1818 This was sold by said Timothy Langston of Gates Co, NC April 1, 1819
DB17, P 314 Feb 1, 1827 Timothy Langston, of Edgecombe Co, late of Gates Co., NC was former Grdn. of Jacob Brasher of Davidson Co, Tenn.
1769 Dobbs Co TL-George Langston, Jacob Langston, Mace Langston, (s/o Jacob), Absolum Langston (s/o Jacob) Francis Langston
The District Court was the precursor to District Superior Courts. The New Bern District covered
Carteret, Craven, Beaufort, Hyde, Pitt, Dobbs, Jones, and Duplin. When Dobbs county was split and then abolished, the new counties were also in the New Bern District.
DSCR 206.326.1 New Bern Dist. Crt Records:
The following are abstracts of Box 1. Dates when not otherwise noted are the date of the event (e.g., the date that an assault took place).
Folder: 1772
Information: Appearance bond for Jacob LANGSTON to testify for the King against William TYLER on a charge of stealing a black
horse from Jacob LANGSTON. Date: 23 July 1772 (date of bond) County: Dobbs
Folder: 1772
Information: Appearance bond for John KANADY to testify for the King against William
TILER for stealing a black horse from Jacob LANGSTON.
Date: 11 Nov 1772 (date of bond)
Folder: 1772
Information: Order from Stephen BLACKMAN, JP, saying that John WEST, constable, has complained that William TYLER, in jail for stealing a horse from Jacob LANGSTON, broke jail. This order is to all sheriffs in the several counties to search for William TYLER 3as well by horsemen as footmen2 and if he is found to deliver him to this county.
Date: 24 July 1772 (date of bond) County: Dobbs
[Note: on back of above is deposition of John HANDLY saying that William TYLER had shown him a horse belonging to Jacob LANGSTON 3tyd in the woods.2].
County: Dobbs
Folder: 1772
Information: Indictment of William TYLER for theft of a black gelding from Jacob
Date: 18 October 177? (Ninth year of reign of George III). County: Dobbs
Folder title: 1770
Information: Summons for William TYLER for theft of property of Jacob LANGSTON
Date: 18 Oct 1769 (date of summons) County: Dobbs
BOOK 3 - Apr 1754 - Apr 1755
Langstone (Langston), Leonard /Sarah Freeland 335
NC - Johnston-Dobbs-Lenoir Counties Grantor Index - Book 4 1756-1757
Books 4-Johnston Co.
Lynch, Cornelius /Jacob Langstone P 465
Book 7-Old Dobbs Co. April 1765 - April 1769 Clark, David Jacob Langstone 1 *
Clark, David Jacob Langstone 444 *
* Does not appear in Grantee Index
** Does not appear in Grantor Index -Difference in name or spelling as appears in Grantee Index
Crown Grants, William Tryon, Royal Gov, Pat. Bk 23, P 97 #5944 Oct. 26, 1767, George Langston, 640 AC Dobbs Co., N/S Nuce (Neuse) Riv. on upper side of Stoney Crk, and on b/sides Marshey Br., join. Thomas Boit, John Lasser and Herring's line
Wayne Co., NC Wills Index: Jacob Langston, CA 1784 Orig. Only
Abstract, Named: Children: George, Masey, (Macie) Absolum, Martha & Lydia
& Levi Langston, Gr/Son
1790 Dobbs Co, NC Census:
Langston, Abram 2 2 6 . .
Lankston, Mace 1 1 6 . .
Will of Martha Williams
30 Aug. 1760
Prob. Apr. Ct. 1760
Son Joel- negro Farrow & $ 7.00
Son Nathan- negro Venus & $ 7.00
Son Issac- negroes Jane, Rachel, Jonas, Felix, Joshua; remaining estate
Exec: Issac Williams
Wit: Jethro Butler, Joseph Langston
Crown Grants, Arthur Dobbs, Royal Gov., Patent Bk 15, P 492- #6497 April 11, 1763-Joseph Langston- 200 AC Johnston Co., S/S Mill Crk, join. the Creek side and a point near Parvis's line.
Crown Grants, Josiah Martin, Royal Gov., Pat. Bk 22, P 389 #5243 July 22, 1774-Joseph Langston, Jr -150 AC in Johnston Co., S/S Mill Crk., head of Reedy Br., join. Langston's own line & Arthur Davis
1784-87 Census, Johnston Co, NC
Langston Joseph, Jr. 1 1 1 0 0
Langston Joseph, Sr. 0 3 2 0 0
Langdon James 1 1 4 0 3
1790 Census, Johnston Co, NC
Langdon James 1 1 5 0 1
Langston Joseph Sr 1 1 1 0 0
Lankston Charity 1 3 3 0 0
Lankston Joseph Jr 1 1 3 0 0
Langston Joseph 1800 Index
Langston Joseph 1800
Langdon James 1800
Johnston Co, NC Deeds (Dates?)
Vol 3 P 335 Leonard Langston to Sarah Freeland
4-465 Jacob Langston from Cornelius Lynch
Index to Johnston Co, NC Wills & Estates
Langston, Joseph, Sr.-1810
Langston, Joseph, Jr.-1812
1800 Barnwell Dist, SC
P 34 Line 3 William Langston | 1 1 0 1 0 | 2 1 0 1 0 | 0
P 34 Line 4 | Zorababel Langston | 0 0 1 0 0 | 1 0 1 0 0
THE VALENTINE PAPERS-Langston Family-(:Primarily York Co, Va Records)
John Langston , Head right. July 11, 1635 . (1, p. 233.)
John Langston witness to Joseph Croshaw 's deed to James Turner , Austin 's Neck. Nov. 15, 1652 . Vol. 1, p. 60.
Catherine Langston : (widow of John Langston , decd. of Nansemond Co. ) Patent 380 acres in Nansemond Co. , on the Cypress branches of - creek. April 25, 1694 . (8, p. 335.)
Leonard Langston , Patent, 109 acres in the Upper Parish of Nansemond Co., adjoining John Barefield and Benjamin Rogers . July 11, 1719 . (10, p. 442.)
John Langston , Patent, 191 acres, in Nansemond Co. , July 20, 1736 . (17, p. 126.)
John Langston of Surry Co., to Robert Gray of same Co. for 50: curr. 200 acres of land which sd. John Langston purchased of Richard Bennett on the north side of the Black Swamp , in Surry Co. May 23, 1744 . Recorded-Surry, Dec. 19, 1744 . D. B. 4, p. 254.
John Langston indenture & memerandum of livery & seisin to Robert Gray proved by Thos. Bell , Nathan Willford & Hopkin Harris , and ordered to be recorded. Dec. 19, 1744 . O. B. 1744-49 , p. 11. Surry Co
James Langston , Head right. Nov. 29, 1652 . (3, p. 121.)
Eliza Langston , Head right. April 14, 1670 . (6, p. 368.)
Christopher Langston , Ordered that he give bond with security for the estate of the orphans of Mr. Woodhouse , decd. Oct. 16, 1679 . D. O. W. &c. 6, p. 126.
Christopher Langston , decd. Inventory & Appraisement of his estate. David Condon & ffra. Reade , appraisers. Report produced in Court and Eliza . Langston widow of Christopher Langston decd. testified to the correctness of the inventory. Note amount of balance to be divided between the widow and orphans œ8:9:3:. Nov. 24, 1687 . D. O. W. 8, p. 67.
Jane a negro belonging to Matthew Langston is adjudged to be 14 years old. Nov. 16, 1719 . D. O. W. 15, p. 502.
Mathew Langstone , Deed for land from John Eaton , acknowledged by said Eaton . Jan. 18, 1730/1 . D. O. W. 17, p. 135.
James Langston Power of attorney to James Wallace . Jan. 17, 1734 . O. B. 1731-47 , p. 90.
Joseph Langston vs. John Hunter , dismissed. Sept. 18, 1732 . D. O. W. 17, p. 311.
Mathew Langston , decd. Ordered that his estate be appraised by Edward Cross , Edward Baptist , Mathew Hill and Edward Downing . May 18, 1741 . D. O. W. 19, p. 19.
Mary Langston , widow of Mathew Langston , decd. testifies that said decd. died without making a will so far as she knows or believes and is appointed administrator of her husband's estate. May 18, 1741 . D. O. W. 19, p. 18.
Martha Langston , bond as admrx. of the estate of Mathew Langston , decd. bondsmen, Ismael Moody , Saml. McIntosh & Saml. Dunn . June 15, 1741 . D. O. W. 19, p. 30.
Mathew Langston , Inventory & appraisement returned by Ed. Cross , Ed. Baptist , Mathew Hill together with the testimony of Margaret Langston as to the correctness of the inventory. The inventory showed a balance of œ130:13:11: including 7 negroes. July 20, 1741 . (Note: The widow Langston appears as Mary , Martha & Margaret .) D. O. W. 19, p. 401.
William Langston , an Infant, orphan of Mathew Langston decd. chose John Belleue , for his guardian, with James Downing & Patrick Mathews as bondsmen. Mch. 16, 1746 . D. O. W. 1, p. 5.
Mathew Langston , decd. Division of his estate by Thomas Cary, Jr. , John Wyne , and Edward Cross . Value of personal property œ170:15:3. The widow 1/3. Sept. 21, 1747 . D. O. W. 20, p. 51.
Margaret Langston , widow of Mathew Langston , decd. ordered that her dower in the slaves of her late husband be assigned her. June 15, 1747 . D. O. W. 1, p. 20.
Margaret Langston , & Wm. Langston Pltfs. vs. Philip Dedman & Margaret his wife, continued. Mch. 19, 1749 . D. O. W. 20, p. 304.
William Langston , Pltf. vs. Philip Dedman & Margaret his wife. June 18, 1750 . D. O. W. 1, p. 332.
William Langston , Guardian Acct. of. Aug. 13, 1748 . Guardian Accounts, p. 95.
Enos Langston , Infant, orphan of Mathew Langston , decd. made choice of Philip Dedman for his guardian. D. O. W. 1, p. 305.
Enos Langston , Orphan of Mathew Langston , decd. by his part of his father's Estate. June 1750 . Guardian's Accounts, p. 115.
Sarah Langston , Orphan of Matthew Langston , decd. by her part of her father's Estate. June 1750 . Ibid, p. 115.
Enos Langston apprenticed to William Langston , carpenter. Mch. 18, 1750 . D. O. W. 1, p. 407.
William Langston & Rachel his wife, deed to Charles Miles. Dec. 16, 1751 . Ibid, p. 502.
William Langston , Mathew Langston , Hinde Russell & Edward Hurst each allowed for one days attendance and 12 miles for Minnis vs. Brodie . Aug. 1757 . O. B. 1755-60 p. 155
Mathew Langston , Pltf. vs. Augustine Smith , & John Chismon Deft. verdict for Pltf. June 18, 1770 . Ibid, p. 498.
William Langston of Elizabeth City Co. , will of; dated Jan. 27, 1773 . Debts & funeral expenses to be paid. Remainder to Sarah Hurst as long as she lives single to bring up her daughter Mary Hurst and at her death or marriage I leave the remainder to my son Thomas Langston and Mary Hurst to be equally divided between them and if either of them should dye without heir or before marriage I leave it to the surviving one what I am now possessed with and what may befall me by heirship. Son Thomas Langston & my brother Mathew Langston & William Reade Executors. Witnesses-Ann Reade . Box 1, Old Wills.
Thomas Langston . For Sale. The Houses and Lots where Thomas Langston and the subscriber now live. The Terms may be known by applying to William Dixon on the Premises. Want to Purchase, six likely Virginia born Negroes. Suffolk Oct. 8, 1776 . Vir. Gaz. Oct. 18, 1776
Thomas Langston . On Tuesday morning, the 21, of April , Mr. Thomas Langston died at Suffolk . He was a truly benevolent man, sincere in his friendship, a kind husband, a tender father, and a useful member of society. His numerous acquaintances can bear testimony, that through life he sustained this short and amiable character. Williamsburg , May 8 . Vir. Gaz. May 8, 1778 .
John Langston & Sarah Ann Harrison . April 20, 1780 .
Elizabeth Langston and Henry Robertson , marriage bond Oct. 11, 1786 . Bondsmen Henry Robertson & Thomas Cartner . Witness-Elizha Darden .
John Langston agst. John Claiborne Deft. on a petition. œ2:2: & costs. June 28, 1784 . O. B. 8, p. 431.
John Langston & Sarah Ann Langston his wife to Thomas Leendie . Ordered recorded. 1785 . June 1785 . O. B. 14, p. 146.
John Langston Deft. vs. Alexander Gloss Strachan Pltf. Pltf. to recover. March 1785 . O. B. 14, p. 89.
Sarah Langston , Inft., orphan of Enos Langston chose Thomas Hunt for her guardian. June 20, 1785 . D. O. W. 5, p. 163.
Mathew Langston , Pltf. vs. Jane Powell , Deft. verdict for the Pltf. May 22, 1787 . Ibid, p. 458.
Elizabeth Langston , appointed Admrx . of the estate of Christopher Langston with John Smythe & John Doswell as her bondsmen. Oct. 27, 1787 . D. O. W. 8, p. 39.
Mary Langston , Executrix of Mathew Langston , decd. Pltf. vs. Enoch Lyon Deft. Aug. 18, 1789 . D. O. W. 6, p. 141.
Mary Langston , Extrx. of Mathew Langston , decd. Pltf. vs. Hugh Nelson Jr. Mch. 19, 1790 . Ibid, p. 171.
Mary Langston , will of; dated June 4, 1790 . of Parish of Charles & County of York . I lend to daughter Sarah Hunt , whole estate during her life and at her death same to be equally divided amongst my grandchildren; But if it should so happen that my son-in-law John Birdsong Hunt should survive my said daughter in that case I lend him a negro named Harry during his life and at his death the sd. John Birdsong Hunt 's death the said negro if he be living at that time is to return to my grand children. No part of estate shall be sold for the time of the sd. John Birdsong Hunt 's or his wife's lives. Friend Nicholas Pressor Executor. Witnesses-Hinde Russell , Wm. Howard , Francis Howard . Recorded-Oct. 15, 1794
Mary Langston , decd. will of proved by Francis Howard and Wm. Howard , Gent. Nicholas Prosser , Executor. Feb. 16, 1795 . D. O. W. 6. p. 668.
Mary Langston , decd. will of; leaves her whole estate to her daughter Sarah Hunt , during her life time & to her grandchildren at the death of said Sarah . Mentions her son-in-law John Birdsong Hunt . Appoints her friend Nicholas Prosser her executor. June 4, 1790 . Recorded Dec. 15, 1794 . Bk. 23, p. 429.
Estate of John Doswell & Robert Leightonhouse render an acct. of the estate of Widdow Langston , from which there appears a balance to the ophan of œ1:12:3: Feb. 24, 1797/8 . D. O. W. 10, p. 501.
Rev. War Records
William Langston , "William Bigger , assignee of the representatives of William Langston is entitled to the proportion of Land allowed a Private of the Continental Line. for three years service. Feb. 17, 1786 . Bk. 2, p. 224. T. Meriwether . A Warrant for 100 acres issued to Wm. Bigger assignee of George Langston Heir at law to Wm. Langston Apr. 24, 1786 ".
John Langston is entitled to the proportion of Land allowed a sergeant of the Continental Line for seven years and ten months service to the end of the war. Council Chamber June 13, 1808 . W. H. Cabell . Samuel Colemon. Warrant No. 5571 for 695 acres issued to John Langston and delivered power of attorney filed the 17, Jan. 1809 . Bk. 2, p. 638.
George Langston is entitled to the proportion of Land allowed a Private of the Continental Line for three years service. Council Chamber Jan. 24, 1817 . J. W. Pleasants Bk. 3, p. 34.
Timothy Langston is allowed Land Bounty for his services as a soldier in the Continental Line for the War, if not heretofore drawn. The Register will issue a Warrant accordingly. Executive Dept. Richmond, Va. Dec. 5, 1833 . John Floyd . Bk. 3, p. 328.
Dempsey Langston . On the eleventh day of April 1834 a Warrant No. 7579 for 200 acres issued to Dempsey Langston , James Langston , John Langston , Methana March , James Bagett , David L ... and Annisa Baker heirs of Timothy Langston ." Bk. - p. -.
28V, P 139-140-Virginia Gleanings in England
ANTHONY LANGSTON, of South Littleton, County Worceister, Esqre -Will 16 November,
1633 pro. 28 December, 1633
It has pleased God to bless and enrich me with many children. And that no son shall have preminence I make my wife Judith sole executris. To every of my sons L5 each not as a portion but as a token of my love to them. To my son Francis Langston and heirs the house and land now in occupation of Henry Farmer the younger. To Anne Langston my daughter L800 hoping she will be ruled in marriage by her mother and brethren who love her most. I leave all charitable actions to my executrix not doubting she will have a godly zeal in disposing to the glory of God and to myne and her credit. Residue to my said wife Judith. Wit: Henry Langston, Russ Andrews, Fra. Harewell, John Gravison
It is possible that the testator was the father of Anthony Langston, who, according to a document in the English Public Record Office, was an ensign in Prince Maurice's regiment, went to Virginia about 1648, returned to England in 1662, and soon afterwards killed a man in a brawl. He was pardoned and became a captain in the navy. He prepared a letter on the condition of Virginia and especially on the need of iron-works, which is among the Egerton MSS., British Museum. Anthony Langston obtained two grants of land in Virginia. The first, to "Mr. Anthony Langston" Sept 6, 1653, was for 1303 acres on the north side of York River in Gloucester County, adj. Mr. Hammond's land. Due for the transportation of 20 persons, (not named). The other, April 26, 1653, was to "Mr. Anthony Langston" for 1000 acres in New Kent County on the south side of the freshes of York River, adj. the land of Col. Man. (Mainwaring) Hamond. Due for the transportation of 18 persons, named.
A little later, a JOHN LANGSTON was a resident of the same County, New Kent. He took the side of Bacon in his Rebellion, and by act of Assembly June, 1680, was disqualified from ever holding office. He had been elected a Burgess for New Kent in this Assembly, but was not allowed to take his seat. In 1704 the name does not appear among the landholders of New Kent or the counties formed from it, but it is possible John Langston had a daughter or daughters, as Langston appears later as a baptismal name in several New Kent families.
John Langston had two grants of land. The first, 1681, to "John Langston" for 1300 acres in New Kent, being the land formerly granted to Hannah Clark, found to escheat to Marke Workman, Deputy Escheater, and now granted to John Langston. The other, to "Mr. John Langston" Sept. 28, 1681, for 1316 acres in New Kent, adjoining the land of Sir Philip Honeywood, the river, land pat. by Moses Davis, and of John Fleming, Thomas Glass, and James Turner, being land formerly grtd. to Mrs. Hannah Clark and found to escheat.
There were a group of loyalists in this section. Sir Philip Honeywood, Col. Manwaring Hammond and Anthony Langston had been loyalist officers, as had been William Bassett of the same county. Mrs. Hannah Clarke was widow of John Clarke, of York County, who was a son of Sir John Clarke, of Wrotham, Kent, England. She was also the executrix of Sir Dudley Wyatt, a Royalist officer, who died in Virginia, in 1651, and was, no doubt, either his daughter or widow.
34V, P 339 William Langston, of Virginia, widower-Adm. 16 Dec., 1659 to brother Henry Langston, for use & during absence of Anthony, Judith, Francis, & Mary Langston, children of deceased.
Capt. Anthony Langston
Va. Land patents (Cavaliers & Pioners)
Vol I, P 312-April 26, 1655-Mr. Anthony Langston, 1,000 acs New Kent Co, S/S
freshes of York Riv, adj land of Col Man. Hamond & incl land now seated by
Wm. Stone for trans of 20 persons
Vol I, P 393, July 20, 1662-Edmund Machen grt of 1000 acs New Kent Co, above & adj. land of Capt. Anthony Langston, beg. at S. of Tattapottomoyes.
Vol II, P 6, Mar 29, 1666, Charles Loveing grt 350 acs New Kent Co, adj. Richard Littlepage & James Turner; Capt Langstone's back line.
Vol II, P 32 Oct 26, 1699-William Winston grt, 350 acs New Kent Co, adj Richd. Littlepage, James Turner, & Capt. Langston (grtd Charles Loveing 1666, deserted).
Vol II, P 49, Oct 2,1668-Thomas Brereton & Anthony Arnell (Arnold), 1700 acs New Kent Co, bet. Rice Hughes & land formerly Capt Anthony Langstone's.
Vol II P 58-Aug 23, 1669, Mr, Benjamin Howard 700 acs New Kent Co, S. Yorke Riv. lower side Cowcansick Br. adj. 325 acs part. he lives on, purchased of Capt. Anthony Langston.